A mother of two who claims she is as quiet as a mouse is being evicted from her home for making too much noise.

Nicole Child, 38, denies being a noise nuisance to her neighbours in Meadowview, Brighton, and claims she has been unfairly treated.

She is starting the new year trying to find a new home for herself and her seven-year-old son, Daniel, before she is evicted next Friday.

Ms Child said she was shocked and hurt when she was taken to court by her landlord, the Sanctuary Housing Association, following complaints from neighbours immediately after she moved into the two-bedroom house in January last year.

She said: "The complaints started the day I moved in. They just complained and complained and things have got really nasty.

"They accused me of breaking my tenancy agreement by making noise all day long and into the night. I was supposed to be thumping and banging and making all sorts of odd noises. But the noise we make is just normal for a family."

Ms Child, whose older son is now living with his father, claims the housing association should have made more effort to move her to a new home or arrange arbitration between her neighbours.

She also believes the lack of soundproofing in the houses caused problems.

Her eviction follows a two-day hearing at Brighton County Court last November when neighbouring residents complained about the noise her family made, as well as anti-social behaviour.

She was surprised when the judge ruled she must move out of the house.

She said: "I did not want to leave but I am now relieved to be getting away from the people who complained about me.

"But my heart is also aching because I have done so much to make my house into a home and now I have got to start all over again and I don't know where I am going."

A spokesman for Sanctuary said: "We do not take possession proceedings lightly. It was considered by the association and every effort to avoid proceedings was tried.

"Unfortunately we had to apply to the court and the court made the decision."