An olympic-sized swimming pool should be built in the new city of Brighton and Hove, a leading councillor says.

Labour councillor Mike Middleton, who heads the leisure team on Brighton and Hove Council, suggested the new pool should be built close to the old border of the two towns.

One potential site would be the sports area at the back of Dyke Road Park and the playing fields used by Brighton, Hove and Sussex Sixth Form College.

It was given to the old Brighton Council 80 years ago with the proviso it should be used for recreation.

The new centre would have to be financed by selling both of Brighton and Hove's existing main pools, the King Alfred pool, built in 1982, and the Prince Regent pool, which dates from 1977.

Coun Middleton said: "We could do with an Olympic-sized swimming pool. There is not enough room for swimmers at the existing pools.

"The swimming pool would have to be next to a leisure centre. The site I suggested may not be the right one but I want to open a debate."

Late last year, a scheme to pull down the dry sports centre at the King Alfred and replace it with an entertainments complex, including cinemas, bars and restaurants collapsed.

There have also been plans to build a new dry sports centre on the site for more than 30 years, but no scheme has been successful.

The Prince Regent is showing its age and Coun Middleton said it would be in a cul de sac once a new library and civic square are built nearby.