The restoration of the only Grade One listed pier in the country will not start until next year at the earliest.

The £30 million renovation of Brighton's West Pier had been due to begin by the start of the new Millennium.

Now the project has been further delayed because applications have had to be resubmitted for Lottery funding.

But the Brighton West Pier Trust says the restoration plans are still more advanced than they have ever been.

The trust has signed a development agreement and draft lease with new private sector partners St Modwen, who also run Brighton Racecourse.

Last year the trust signed an agreement with Brighton and Hove Council which owns land on either side of the pier crucial for the restoration, as it will be used for a new shoreline building.

But this means the trust has had to reapply for National Lottery cash it was granted three years ago, because it has a new partner.

If the grant is agreed, there would still be 40 weeks of work, including design preparations and putting forward an application for planning permission.

Rachel Clark, general manager, said she was confident of success but the process was adding to the delay.

She said: "We feel confident that the Heritage Lottery Fund will continue to support us.

"St Modwen is raring to go and we have an excellent relationship with them. We are further advanced than we have ever been before.

"Everything is looking good but it is all taking time. It won't be quick and it is very frustrating.

"Ultimately it doesn't matter very much as long as we reach our goal."

One minor problem for the trust is the winter gales have broken off two supports for the pier near the middle of the structure.

They will have to be repaired in case they cause further structural problems. In the meantime, tours of the pier cannot include the far end.

Brighton Pavilion MP David Lepper, who helped lobby for the original Lottery grant, said: "I will continue to offer all the help I can both at a national and local level.

"Restoring the pier is important for Brighton and Hove both as part of its history and to help the economy.

"We have seen a lot happen on the seafront between the piers in the last few years and work is well under way on the new children's play area which will be ready by the Spring or Summer.

"I want to see the pier restored as soon as possible. It will be good for the area and it will provide new jobs both during construction and afterwards."