Parts of Sussex could flood again today despite the county missing the brunt of a storm last night.

This morning the Environment Agency said 30mm - more than an inch - of rain had fallen on East Sussex between midnight and 2am But Rupert Club, the county's flood defence manager, said Lewes and Uckfield should be safe - for now.

He said: "We were lucky last night because a band of heavy rain missed the county and moved over northern France instead.

"It could have been a lot worst."

Showers are expected today and over the weekend threatening to swell river levels which have already started to rise.

Flood warnings are in place on the Lavant, the Cuckmere at Hellingly and the Rother between Mayfield and Newenden.

And agency officers are monitoring the situation on the Uck and the Ouse Mr Clubb said Lewes should escape flooding because tides were relatively low.

But he warned residents and businesses across the county to keep an eye on water levels and listen for further flood warnings.

Weather experts blame a deep Atlantic depression for the prolonged rain which is forecast to move across southern parts of England and Wales today.