Work on a £500,000 purpose-built club for a beach-side community could start within two months.

Plans for the new Harbour Club at Shoreham Beach, which originally sparked controversy among local residents, have now been approved by Adur Council.

The new club is not expected to be completed until the end of the year.

The club originally wanted to build its new two-storey base on its existing boat park so the old wooden building could remain open during construction.

But residents in neighbouring flats objected, saying it was too close to their windows and would block out their light.

Others complained that sailors stripping off to change into wetsuits would cause offence if the boat park and car park were moved.

Adur Council postponed making a decision earlier this year, but has now given permission after it was agreed to site the new clubhouse further away from the flats.

Andy Lamb, club chairman, said: "It has taken a little longer than we hoped to get the plans approved.

"We hope that as a result of changing our application everyone is now happy.

"We are spending half a million on providing a superb new club which will provide a social focus for Shoreham Beach.

"There will be launch facilities here for members who sail and we have incorporated facilities which will make it easier for disabled people to use the club."

The new building will provide a club room, bar, lounge, toilets and office on the ground floor.

A restaurant, kitchen, snooker room and two-bedroomed staff flat would take up the first floor.