SimonFanshawe has put much effort into his persuasion that Brighton is The Place To Be (which it isn't any more) and should become a city.

He must be feeling very pleased with himself, but what motivated all this enthusiasm? Why does he think Brighton is the place to be and that it is worthy to become a city?

Does he walk about with his eyes and ears closed? People's behaviour in Brighton has become a disgrace.

Vandalism is more rife than ever and people's efforts to make their walls and garage doors look good are thwarted every day.

An hour's walk late one evening was harrowing. Young boys who should have been with their parents (a lot they care!) were yelling in the streets.

During that hour I did not see one police officer. I just escaped serious injury when three boys on speeding bikes (no lights) almost bowled me over. What happened to the promised curfew?

As one of your correspondents said: "A city is only as good as the people in it." Most people seem switched off from the universe - ignoring all others.

-Ian McLeod, West Hill Road, Brighton