Two of Sussex's most prolific criminals will be back on the streets in a few weeks.

Anthony Tuppen, 22, was jailed for 15 months and Alan Bartlett, 40, for 12 months at Lewes Crown Court yesterday.

Their combined tally of convicted crimes now stands at 138.

In one of the most chilling examples, the pair attacked a couple with a baby while trying to steal their car from the Princess Royal Hospital car park in Haywards Heath.

However, they have both been in custody since the summer, which counts towards their sentences.

This means they will be back on the streets of Sussex in a few weeks.

Detective Constable Ron Coxhead said the police had spent months investigating Tuppen and Bartlett.

He said: "I am very disappointed with the sentences, considering the number of offences they both admitted. It sends the wrong message to criminals and the public.

"We were expecting sentences at least double that amount. So much work has gone into the investigation and the sentencing should reflect the crime. I have been in touch with the family, who are very upset and have required significant support since the incident."

Tuppen, from Chailey, near Lewes, and Bartlett, of Wilmington Way, Haywards Heath, both admitted two charges of common assault and possession of weapons.

Tuppen, who has eight convictions for 45 previous crimes, also asked for a further 31 motoring and theft offences to be taken into consideration.

The court heard Bartlett has 21 convictions for 54 previous crimes.

In August last year, a couple and a nine-month-old baby who had been visiting a sick relative at the Princess Royal came across Tuppen and Bartlett sitting in their car in the car park.

Bartlett threatened the father with a screwdriver and wrestled with him.

Tuppen brandished a multi-tool instrument while the terrified woman cradled her baby. The pair failed to start the car and ran off.

Tuppen also admitted breaking a conditional discharge imposed after he was convicted of two charges of criminal damage when he tried to break into his girlfriend's home in Haywards Heath.

He admitted being in possession of a knife in December 1999 when he pointed a flick knife at a barmaid at the Palmeira pub, in Cromwell Road, Hove.

Tuppen also pleaded guilty to driving a motorbike when disqualified and more than twice over the legal drink-drive limit.

He admitted twice being a passenger in stolen cars.