Ecovert cannot wriggle out of another fine muddy mess they have got themselves and, more importantly, the Albion into.

Albion have every right, as tenants, to expect their landlords to provide suitable drainage facilities.

Cllr Mike Middleton is correct to state that the Withdean pitch was never intended for League football. Withdean Stadium would be an embarrassment in the Conference, never mind the Football League.

But it is intended for League football at the moment - that's the issue and Albion need a pitch that has adequate drainage.

Everyone knows that the rainfall has been particularly high in recent months, but that should not mask the fact that the work Ecovert has done is not satisfactory.

One would have thought that over the summer precautions could have been taken against heavy rain. They are after all supposed to provide a service for the amount of money Albion hand them each season.

However, I still believe Albion fans should be grateful that at least the team is back in Brighton. They should never forget how close the club were to losing their League status, possibly the club altogether, a few seasons ago and the travelling to Gillingham for home games.

Micky Adams for me summed it up in his mid-term report in last week's edition when he said: "We are all accepting the fact that we haven't got a good pitch. What else can we do? We are not Man United, so we can't dig it up and lay another one."

But everyone should rally around getting a new purpose built stadium, purely intended for League football, at Falmer. That is the best solution for all concerned.