Sussex women bowlers have taken two more steps in their "get with it" resolutions.

The first earlier this year was to lift the ban which enforced women to wear hats when playing for the county.

At the 69th annual meeting held at Woodingdean they changed the ruling of "brown shoes only" for county games. The women can now wear white.

The other ban lifted by a vote among club delegates at the meeting was on preventing the telephonic relay of scores between clubs during competitive games.

Mobile phones will now be an essential piece of competitive games.

But one change delegates did not approve of was to play county competitions on the green of the challenger. Instead, rounds up to the semi-finals will still be played at Princes Park (Eastbourne) for clubs in the east and at Worthing (Beach House Park and Field Place) for clubs in the west.

Daphne Adams retired after 19 years as county secretary (she was previously assistant secretary from 1978-81) and was made a life member. She was also presented with a vase and a cheque for £1,300.

Beryl Hobbs-Pullen (Bexhill) was elected president. She is the granddaughter of the founder president of Sussex and the English WBA.

Wendy Davies (Field Place) became senior vice-president, and Vera Lammie (Hollingbury Park) junior vice-president. Kathy Flood (Hollingbury Park) succeeds Mrs Adams as secretary.

Babs Frampton remains assistant secretary; Trixie Moore treasurer; Dorothy Elphick assistant treasurer; Mary Wilson (east) and Joan Timms (west) competition secretaries and Di Taylor as overall competition secretary.

A match secretary is urgently needed by the Sussex County BA for the next outdoor season and anyone willing to volunteer for the post should contact retiring officer Eddie Lendon on 01293 401361.

The office of assistant secretary which was also unfilled at the recent annual meeting, may be solved as there is a volunteer in the pipeline. A second selector for Division Four to assist Chris Young (Worthing) will be co-opted at the February meeting of the general purposes committee.

Got a bowls story? If so, contact Ray Potten on 01903 239866.