Helen Armour, from Hove and team member of the Logica yacht, has suffered some mixed fortunes as they come to the end of the third leg of the BT Global Challenge.

The violent Southern Ocean storms did not give them a break over the festive holiday period and one of her team, Emma Gage, got swept overboard by a huge wave but luckily her life line held and she was pulled back to safety.

After the storm followed a calm. They were becalmed but not bored, for some icebergs, not usually encountered in their position, seemed keen to join the race.

The tactical north-south split of the fleet occurred, favouring those opting for the north route. Helen and Logica were in the south group and therefore lost a few miles on the leaders, especially as they had to take avoiding action when the icebergs appeared.

Last Tuesday, however, Logica had the best day's sailing of the whole fleet, recording 20 miles more than any other yacht.

There was a disappointing end to Arun Yacht Club's Winter Series.

The competition was really down to the final race but unfortunately the weather was too extreme and the committee had no hesitation in cancelling the day's racing leaving the positions declared at the last sailing day to stand as the final result.

Colin Meadows won in his Tempest from Andrew Rumsey (Kestrel) and David Robinson (RS400).