It has been a very quiet week after all the partying that went on during the previous fortnight.

The tree and its lights have all been packed away in the attic for next year, and I have declared Christmas and New Year as being absolutely and officially over.

In our house this means no one is allowed to eat chocolate or cake for breakfast anymore, but instead has to have something sensible to eat instead.

In addition they are no longer allowed to stay up very late watching unsuitable films.

They also have to finally take all their presents off the living room floor where they have spent the last two weeks in wobbling piles under the tree, and put everything away in the appropriate cupboard or somewhere where I can't see it anyway.

I am pleased to be able to announce that the early days of my New Year non smoking resolution have gone successfully, so far anyway.

However, I think I wrote something similar last year before falling by the wayside as a dismal failure once again.

This time I am more determined than ever and will give you a weekly update in order to make it even more embarrassing if I don't keep it up.

Daughter is supportive, but says I am very grumpy and bad tempered because of no ciggies.

I have said she will just have to cope with the grumpy me until I revert back to normal.

If anyone has any hints on how to make it easier then I would be very grateful for your suggestions.

Also this is day six and so far I have eaten about a month's food this week, so any tips on how to keep the weight off would also be gratefully received.

'They' (usually very skinny non smoking people) say not to worry about putting on weight when you first give up, but as this is always one of my main reasons for starting again I am desperate to avoid this problem this time.

Sam, the dog, is behaving himself since he got barred from daughter's room at night because of his tendency to eat holes in both her mattress and electrical wiring.

He was supposed to be sleeping in the kitchen but seems to have sneaked into mine and her dad's room instead.

Oh well, at least our feet are warm at night, even if he does steal most of the duvet.