One of Hove's most popular shopping streets is about to get a £325,000 facelift.

Work starts on Monday to give George Street a Continental-style boulevard look.

The pavement will be levelled to provide one surface for pedestrians and vehicles, and contrasting pavement will show where cars are banned.

Trees, lamp posts, seating, bike racks and disabled parking bays will also be provided.

The project was due to begin before Christmas but was delayed by bad weather. The contractors now aim to complete the work in May.

Brighton and Hove Council traffic engineer Peter Bloxham said: "There will be a rolling programme of work starting at the bottom of George Street.

"We will complete one section of the street before moving on to the next.

"This is designed to cause the least disruption possible to individual traders while work continues outside their premises."

George Street will be closed to normal traffic while the work goes on. However, disabled people will still be allowed to park there, as will delivery lorries.

Hove Labour MP Ivor Caplin said: "The traders here may be about to experience four months of pain, but there is no doubt that they will gain in the long term from this work."