A Brighton leisure chain with ambitions of doubling in size has taken over another three nightclubs and a pub in the city centre.

C-Side has bought the Cuba Bar, The Lift and the Pig in Paradise, and is in the process of buying The Gloucester, bringing its total number of licensed premises to 23.

The group, which targets a young clientele and is known for its trendy seafront bars and clubs, wants to expand even further.

The move will not be popular with everyone. There are those who fear Brighton's pubs and clubs will lose their individuality and will eventually be controlled by a handful of large groups.

But C-Side - which now owns most of the bars on Brighton seafront - says while its four latest venues will be improved they will retain their unique atmosphere.

Spokeswoman Kate Johnson said The Gloucester, on The Level, would be cleaned up but continue selling cheap drinks and playing the same kind of music.

Building work starts on Monday to revamp jazz, theatre and performance venue The Lift and the Pig In Paradise pub in Queen's Road, which will be renamed The City of Brighton.

The Cuba Bar will reopen next Friday under the name Club Blue.

Ms Johnson said: "We will bring in a better management and clean up The Gloucester but will keep the same feel and music. In the next year we are hoping to move outside Brighton.

"I know some people accuse C-Side of being monopolistic but you have to remember we have 23 premises out of about 400 and that's not a lot."

Bev Robbins, chairman of the Sussex Licensed Victuallers Association, said: "At least they are a local company and will keep the profits within the local economy.

"But I still regret the demise of the individual, small pubs. Brighton is losing its individuality."