So the Tories have now revealed their campaign strategy for the General Election, which goes something like this: "Labour has failed during its three and a half years in power to repair the damage done to schools and the NHS by us during our 18 years in office.

"Labour hasn't sorted out the railways after we privatised them. Don't mention the economy, we said Labour would wreck it and hasn't.

"We might cut taxes (already among the lowest in Europe, but we don't mention that) even though we raised taxes 22 times during our last five years in office (better not mention that either).

"To do this we will either cut £16 billion from health and education spending or ask you all to find a couple of million down the back of your sofas.

"We will scrap the new deal for communities and the new deal for the unemployed (don't mention that to the 70 per cent in Brighton and Hove who found themselves on the dole) and give the money to farmers, fox-hunters or idle millionaires in tax cuts."

The Conservatives seem to believe they're on to a winner. What do you think?

-Warren Morgan, Maresfield Road, Brighton