Having read Thomas Bromley's letter (Opinion, February 10) about the millions of us whose lives depend upon prescription medications that have all been tested upon animals, I disagree.

I have health problems and rely upon a number of medications in order to function and probably, in the medium term, stay alive.

Yet I regard testing upon our fellow creatures as morally unacceptable and bitterly resent being forced to use drugs that have been tested upon animals.

I have tried to raise this with my medical advisers, who seem to think I am either pulling their legs or wasting their time by trying to draw them into specious, time-wasting, ethical nit-picking.

No one in the medical profession has shown the remotest inclination to try to find me animal-free treatment.

Go on, say it, someone: No one is forcing me to go on taking the medication. True, but maybe I, and thousands of others, cannot find the courage to bin our medication and live painful, debilitated and probably extremely short lives as a result.

-Name and address supplied