I have followed the arguments concerning cyclists over the past few weeks and after having read John Parry (Argus, February 16) feel compelled to add my "two penn'orth".

These people who complain need to get a life. Perhaps they should all be given bikes and then cycle through the city on them.

I am a grown man and when I have done so it scares the hell out of me! I do not condone dangerous or careless acts by cyclists but Mr Parry seems to think kids will be put on the slippery slope to a life of crime if they cycle on the pavement. Somehow, I don't think so.

Brighton is to be credited for the vast improvements it has made for cycling. However, these still fall way short of a safe system all can use.

You still have to dart among demon car drivers to get from one section of cycle path to another and I cannot understand why either more of the overcliff path or some of the undercliff between Saltdean and Brighton has not had a cycle path put on it.

Again, I challenge these people who complain to cycle along the A259 with cars going past them at 50mph or more. They would see a very different view then.

The answer is to invest more in cycle proficiency. Isn't prevention the best option?

When I was at school I used to cycle along the undercliff despite it being illegal. I would tell my children to do the same if it meant they came home in one piece.

-Tim Shergold, Lustrells Crescent, Saltdean