A friend aged 85 was sent flying off a wide pavement into the road by a middle-aged woman cyclist while waiting for a bus.

The cyclist rode straight into her and her friend.

The cyclist said: "She's hurt her ankle, don't move her. I'm a nurse." She then got on her bike and rode away.

A motorist stopped to help and phoned for an ambulance to take them to the A&E at Worthing.

After a two-hour wait they were told they could go with no further help offered. The lady had an elastic stocking put over her tights and was in considerable pain.

Her friend was not hurt but both were very shaken. The friend ordered a taxi and took her back to his flat, where he looked after her for 18 days. He is 80.

The police were notified yet nothing was done. The lady was subsequently found to have a double fracture of the hip.

She was later found to be very confused and put into an NHS care home (which is due for closure).

Her son, who has had two strokes, has now got rid of her home and all her possessions without consultation with his mother.

Two lives have been ruined by one cyclist's selfish act.

Has anyone ever been fined for riding on the pavements in Worthing? Where are the police who are supposed to be patrolling our streets?

-Name and address supplied