Lego Media International have come up with some friendly-looking software that may help to ease a child into the learning process.

My World School Skills is bright, cheerful and familiar. With more than 45 activities and games, it offers real value for money.

The subject matter is generally very good and the Lego characters make sure that mistakes are quickly rectified. Advice and help is always close to hand.

The software teaches children how to deal with real world experiences by allowing them to experiment while playing. Designed for children between three and six years of age, My World School Skills is ideal for both the classroom and the home and teaches basic literacy, numeracy, art, music and spatial awareness.

This title makes the most of that knowledge and encourages children to see learning as fun. The activities are grouped into four zones - a city, a prehistoric environment, a haunted castle and a Wild West area - all set in a brightly coloured background that lets the child move around and explore.

Good quality learning software at a realistic price.

Price: £24.99. Contact: 08457 080070.

Feel good factor: 9 out of 10.