When I read the headline "£45m Heart For The City" (Argus, March 29), my hopes were lifted that finally something would be done to ease the ever increasing traffic, parking and heath problems that are prominent in this city. But no, the money is being ploughed into yet more cafes, clubs, bars and theatres.

We are supposed to be a new city for the millennium. One of the reasons why we were bestowed this honour was because of our forward-thinking attitude.

Surely we should be setting an example by making our city as environmentally friendly as possible?

Effective park and ride schemes need to be put in place. Perhaps then we wouldn't have the double-parking problems.

Brighton is one of the worst areas in Sussex for asthmatics. Yet, in Brighton there is a leading asthma research unit, based at the Royal Alexandra Hospital, which desperately needs to raise more then £250,000 a year. The Alex itself needs to raise funds of more than £1,500,000 for equipment.

We've already established that we are The Place To Be, besides, isn't it our money for our city? We should put it to the vote with the residents of Brighton and Hove and see how they would like their money spent?

-Kelly Gavaghan,Preston Park, Brighton