It's good news travellers will be barred from Preston and Stanmer Parks (Argus, April 25) but what about Brighton and Hove City Council showing some compassion for its residents (the people who abide by the law, pay their council tax and vote councillors into office)?

I'm all for "live and let live" but when people intimidate, commit crime, create unhealthy conditions and keep costing us all money, it's time the citizens of Brighton and Hove had their points of view taken into consideration. We all helped pay for the offical site at Horsdean (23 units). When that is full, there is no other site within our boundary for travellers to camp on, so they should move on.

No doubt there are some good and considerate travellers but there is a bigger number which appears not to give a damn.

-E Braysher, Highfield Crescent, Brighton