As a hard-working taxi driver, I would like to warn all taxi drivers and other tradespeople who might, in the course of their business, be called to the travellers' site at Braypool Lane, Patcham.

On a recent Sunday afternoon, I took one young male and two young females from Brighton railway station to this site. On arrival, they got out and walked away without paying the fare, telling me to leave if I "knew what was good for me". They left me in no doubt what would have happened had I tried to pursue them.

The blame for this state of affairs rests on the shoulders of this and previous Labour councils who have, since the days of the "Boy Bassam", let it be known Brighton and Hove is a soft touch.

From my observation of the site, it is very overcrowded, far above the official limit set by Brighton and Hove City Council. What is the council doing to control this place?

To the people who robbed me of my fare, I would say, you may be laughing now but the honest citizens of Brighton and Hove will one day rise and rebel.

-Name and address supplied