Christopher Hawtree's beautifully considered letter (May 28) concerning the Hove gasworks site deserves a wide reading by our councillors and replies from them would be interesting to see.

Hove's distinctive style and form would be better served (and more interesting for visitors) by development such as Mr Hawtree envisaged than by slapping the over-lit, brash and glitzy Tesco in its face. And let's face it, Tesco is very "in yer face".

Personally, I have looked at the two buildings behind and by the much-loved flint wall fronting Church Road and see the use as a school, in particular of the red brick building behind which extensions could be built. It would surely, too, be preferable to separate out entirely the school from the shops' development and parking lots (fumes). Why knock down these useful buildings without reason?

-Valeria Paynter, The Drive, Hove