When Jenny Langston is elected as our new MP on June 7, we Hove residents are looking forward to the return of our own proud Borough of Hove to its former high standards.

Top priority must surely to be forcibly remove, if necessary, all the illegally parked traveller caravans and mobile homes from any part of Hove with strict warnings not to return. Send the message out that Hove is closed to them.

Bring George Street back to being the thriving, bustling, busy shopping centre we all loved before you-know-who wrecked it with his "I-know-best" attitude.

Throw out the over-the-top scheme by the big breweries to turn the King Alfred into yet another great boozy gin-parlour with multi-bar late night spot - a family-oriented leisure centre is what is needed, preferably with no bars at all.

Clear Hove streets of hundreds of dumped and untaxed cars - just get rid of them, once and for all - effectively clearing more spaces for the double-parked cars and improving our environment.

Bring back the 300-yard exclusion zone marker buoys which used to stop boats encroaching near bathers - what has happened to them? We now see speed boats, jet skiers and water skiers coming right up the beach and sitting there all day.

Here's hoping for a better future for us all.

-Doug Percival, Dyke Road, Hove