I was amazed when a Tory candidate for the West Sussex County Council election on June 7 informed me the whole of Britain is now being fluoridated, meaning fluoride is added to our public water supplies.

Having spent much time, effort and money to help safeguard our drinking water for almost 40 years, I was deeply distressed by the news but felt sure the informant was confusing fluoride with chlorine, the latter being used to make our water potable.

Later, he assured me fluoride was the substance being added to our drinking water because it is believed (by some) to be good for our teeth and it was a European Union ruling.

Since most, if not all, European countries rejected fluoridation many years ago, I did not believe this diktat came from the EU.

Southern Water has advised me verbally and in writing that no fluoride is added to its water supplies.

Since there has been much research about the harmful effects of imbibing artificial fluoride, I hope this will reassure those readers who are against our water supplies being used for mass medication that, in this area, democracy still prevails.

-Mrs T Brown, Durrington