Peacehaven Town Council has aquired a piece of land, after two years of negotiation, in Peacehaven for an integrated play area for special-needs and able-bodied children.

This will, I hope, consist of swings, a roundabout and/or a seesaw with clamps to accommodate wheelchairs.

I hope also to create in the future a sensory garden to add to the smell and sound of the sea and the cries of the gulls we already have. The plan also includes a barbecue area for the whole family.

To help get this project off the ground, we need parents of special-needs children to write to the council to say: "Yes please, do build this playground and we will bring our children to enjoy it."

If you don't send in your views, we could lose it. I already feel these children are the forgotten ones and not enough is done in society for them.

The nearest comparable place we have found is in Southampton, so this would provide a service not just for Peacehaven children but for those from all over the county.

Please write to John Shepherd, Town Clerk, Peacehaven Town Council Office, The Meridian Centre, Peacehaven, East Sussex, or Councillor Mitchell, Basement flat, 25 Elphick Road, Newhaven, East Sussex BN9 9SZ. Phone 01273 515532. Email

-Coun Reigna Mitchell, Newhaven