WHAT tired sentiments are expressed by D C Robertson (Opinion, July 4).

Every time a project attempts to lure young people away from the criminal path, up pops the "Birch 'em and bang 'em up" brigade to yell foul. Don't these people understand the old adage "the Devil can always find work for idle hands"? That is why people commit crimes.

Banger racing, motorcycle repairs, scrambling or similar projects are not rewards for felons and are rarely a soft option.

They are often the first opportunity for these youngsters to learn about responsibility and self-worth. They are generally very hard work for the participants and any reward is self-earned.

These projects achieve better results than any other system of helping wayward young people to become worthwhile members of society.

The police often take an active part because they understand prevention is better than a cure.

Or should we take the advice of Mr Robertson? Let's chuck Karl and his mates on the scrap heap for the rest of their lives. We know how well that works, don't we?

-Peter McMullen, The Green, Southwick