Like many people in Brighton and Hove, I am not looking forward to the introduction of council parking attendants.

I have for some time also resided in Westminster, where these attendants have been in force for some years, and their presence is menacing.

Soon in this city, you won't be able to stop and nip into the local shop for a packet of cigarettes or a lottery ticket, go to the cash machine or even deliver a letter without these unrelenting, commission-paid (though they will deny this) and unsympathetic robots dishing out a £60 fine.

Soon, Brighton and Hove City Council and, indeed, the Opinion page of The Argus will be inundated by tales of woe, both from residents and visitors who will be further put off visiting our city.

In preparation for these wardens, in certain roads in Brighton and Hove where it was once free to park, green solar-powered ticket machines have been installed, so there will be no escape for the poor, beleaguered motorist.

It may well go down well with the fanatical anti-car lobby and Roger French, managing director of Brighton and Hove Bus and Coach Company but, for the majority in this city, it will bring frustration, inconvenience and potential hardship.

-David Allen, Baranscraig Avenue, Patcham