Over the past two years, the Federation of Small Businesses has been increasingly concerned about the erosion of democracy within the new cabinet-style form of local government.

Although the federation has, as yet, adopted no official policy on the issue of directly-elected mayors, for many of its members this would appear to be an opportunity to concentrate the decision-making power of Brighton and Hove City Council even further, into just one pair of hands.

Big business might be able to see advantages in approaching just one individual when it comes to discussing business ventures.

Small, local, businesses may have a little more difficulty getting a foot in the door to share such advantages.

Roger French, of the Yes campaign, maintains small businesses are in favour of a directly-elected mayor.

I know of many within our Brighton and Hove membership of 1,300 small businesses that are not.

I will not profess, however, to answering for all our members. The Federation of Small Businesses still prides itself on being a democratic organisation.

-Ann Townsend, Chairman, Brighton and Hove Branch, Federation of Small Businesses