I live directly in the shadow of the proposed mobile phone mast in Valley Road, Portslade (August 22).

I have telephoned Orange and the police and written to Ivor Caplin MP. Only Orange replied, sending a map showing the mast is to be right outside my property.

I already have a telegraph pole, phone box, letterbox and bus shelter outside my property. The bus shelter and my front wall have been the subject of recent vandalism.

I have a young daughter and, though I realise the health risks of masts have not been proven, am concerned for her future. Additionally, the mast would greatly reduce the value of my property.

I am now at my wits' end and have exhausted all possibilities of stopping this mast being built. Please could anyone advise me what I should do and, if possible, help me to stop this happening.

Everyone else in the vicinity is up in arms about it, too, and many people will be looking to Orange for compensation for the devaluation of their properties.

Surely Orange could prevent this mass protest by simply choosing a different site.

-Mrs T C Carter, Valley Road, Portslade