I, being Brighton born and bred, like hundreds of others bought land from Brighton Council and, under a self-build scheme, spent two-and-a-half years grafting in our spare time to provide our families with a home.

Over the past few years the council, through its soft attitude, has encouraged dozens of so-called travellers to encamp on any piece of land that they fancy.

Now, two 17-year-olds, who have contributed nothing to society, are to challenge in the courts their right to stay permanently on land owned by the council (August 22).

Both are on benefit and will no doubt use legal aid in this challenge.

Enough is enough. Now is the time for the residents to stand up and be counted or do we, as council taxpayers, have no rights?

Should these young travellers' challenge prove successful, I think it only fair to warn the council I will seek to recover the amount paid to them plus interest, as I see no reason why I, and hundreds like me, should pay for land when the council gives it away to any outsider who wishes to settle on it.

-Name and address supplied