The Argus kindly published my comments concerning the state of pavements (Letters, August 18).

Would you please allow me to answer two ill-mannered motorists who shouted at me when they passed (too fast to hear my replies).

I was going to Worthing, from Lancing, in my mobility vehicle, travelling on the road.

It was at a very busy time but drivers, most of whom were very courteous, gave me an unnecessarily wide berth (I am no wider than a cyclist and my speed is equal to most modest cyclists).

The first man shouted: "I hope you've paid your road tax." To him I say: "I was paying road tax for years before you were a gleam in your mother's eye."

The second shouted: "Get on the pavement." To both I retort: "When the pavements have as good a surface as the well-preserved roads, I will take to the pavements."

I did hear from the West Sussex authority that it inspects the pavements regularly and repairs them when necessary.

I invite these motorists to borrow my "Dalek" and try out the pavements on it. I think they would have their eyes opened.

-Chuck (Charles) Odom, Brighton Road, Lancing