When the Alliance and Leicester finally sold its derelict old headquarters near Hove Park it was left with a prickly problem.

Part of the deal was that it would take responsibility for clearing out the potentially carcinogenic asbestos insulation.

MPs, councillors and council officers were all alerted to the work, in accordance with Government guidelines.

But the people who weren't told were the children in the area for whom the tumbledown building had become as much a part of the landscape as the nearby play area.

Failing to tell neighbours was against the rules but not against the law.

So the worst that will happen to those responsible is a token slap on the wrist and a shot of embarrassment - courtesy of The Argus.

From mobile phone masts to Railtrack to BSE, is it really any wonder people are losing faith in big business? Sometimes it seems that if there's a buck to be made, safety comes a very poor second.

Just because we don't have proof something is dangerous, it doesn't necessarily make it safe.

And when it is our health, and the health of our children being put at risk surely it wouldn't be too much trouble to tell us.