On Friday, August 24, my 17-year-old son and his girlfriend decided at 9.30pm to walk down to McDonalds in London Road, Brighton.

They took my 11-year-old daughter and three other 17-year-old friends with them.

They had a burger before walking home again. At about 10.30pm, as they were walking through the Level, Brighton, they were attacked by a large group of youths for no reason.

The youths surrounded them and intimidated them and then beat up two of the 17-year-old boys.

My son managed to call the police and myself for help. The youths had fled and were unable to be found but one remained who the police instantly recognised.

We were led to believe there was little the police could do even if they found these youths because they were underage, despite them being in possession of, and consuming, alcohol.

The youth who was present at the scene was most uncooperative and was in no way prepared to say who the others were.

Our two 17-year-old boys needed hospital treatment to facial and head injuries.

My 11-year-old daughter was petrified and hysterical. I followed the ambulance to the hospital, where we had a three-hour wait and also witnessed a man falling all over the floor at the entrance to the casualty department, swigging continuously on a whisky bottle, getting more and more drunk.

He was coming in and out of the casualty department, approaching people and making them feel intimidated and uncomfortable in a place where they should feel and be safe.

Where are the so-called security people at these places?

When are we going to do something about the minority of people who continually intimidate and cause harm to other people and their property?

It is about time there was a proper curfew for people who are too young to be accountable for their actions.

-H Funnell, Queens Park Road, Brighton