Darren Freeman is not the only Albion player from last season's squad facing an uncertain future.

Rod Thomas is contemplating the possibility of life without football as well as Freeman, who was forced into premature retirement by injury.

Thomas, still without a club, could pack up soon if he doesn't find one.

The little winger has been to Belgium during the summer break and trained with non-League Stevenage, Harrow Borough and Canvey Island.

"I've talked to managers, but nothing has come of it," he revealed. "I will give it another month and then I'll take another avenue.

"I want to be playing football. I am fighting fit, but there are 700 other players in my situation and that makes it hard.

"It's been frustrating, because I know I am good enough to get another club.

"I am still positive, but if it's not football there will be other opportunities around the corner. All my family and friends are rallying round."

Thomas, 30, a former England schools, youth and under 21 international, has always dabbled in the clothing industry.

He is considering that as an alternative career, although he said: "That's not a B option, it's a C option. I want to stay in football, but I won't hang about.

"I've got the preliminary coaching badge and what I am really interested in is coaching kids, but that is not something I have gone into.

"I think I have still got two or three years left in me, if not longer, and I have not taken the option to go non-League yet.

"I've been in the pro game for 15 or 16 years and I think I'm good enough to play in the League still.

"The first Saturday felt very strange. I was out of the country with my girlfriend, but I knew what the players were going to be thinking and doing.

"Reality maybe set in at that point, but there are a lot of good players in the same boat. You can take it two ways, negatively or positively, but you don't become a bad player overnight."

Thomas scored four goals in 48 League games for Albion. Things started well for the ex-Watford wonder kid following a free move from Chester three years ago.

But he lost fitness and form and made only two appearances in last season's Division Three title triumph.

"I still speak to the troops," he said. "I've had a few phone calls from Bobby (Zamora), Kerry (Mayo) and Jonesy (Nathan Jones). They are a good bunch of lads and I wish them all the best.

"It's sad about Darren Freeman. He rang a couple of times to ask about my situation. I will ring him and give him my regards.

"Football is like that, but where there is life there's hope and you never know what might happen.

"If the game doesn't give me the opportunity to get back in then I will have to do something else. I am still hoping that opportunity will come."