Roger French should take his nose out of local politics and put it to the grindstone to improve the less than perfect service he thinks the Brighton and Hove Bus and Coach Company is providing.

He could start by lobbying Brighton and Hove City Council to sort out Western Road.

Whoever it was who designed the present layout and whoever it was who authorised it should be taken out and chained to a bus for a day and suffer the same discomforts we, the travelling public, have to endure with the hold-ups in the chicane bottlenecks and the harsh ride from the stupid sleeping policemen.

These traffic-calming methods should never have been allowed to control unpermitted entry to Western Road and should have been the job of the police or the traffic wardens.

Every time I travel on a bus along Western Road, I see unauthorised cars travelling in both directions, so what use are these uncomfortable increasers of journey time?

Get the police on the job or give the new wardens something to really get on with other than strutting around terrorising some unfortunates who have stopped in the wrong place rather than parked illegally.

-Rod Ackers, Portslade