The report on the protest at Roche Diagnostics against the company's alleged association with Huntingdon Life Sciences animal-testing laboratories (August 29) included a photograph of a police "evidence gatherer" making a video of protester Toni Vernelli being interviewed for local TV.

In view of her attendance at other animal rights demonstrations, the police undoubtedly already have extensive footage and photographs of Ms Vernelli and one must question why they considered it necessary to obtain "evidence" of her simply being interviewed by the media.

The role of these snap-happy "evidence gatherers" needs to be scrutinised and defined because, all too often, their activities are nothing less than blatant "in your face" provocation and intimidation of citizens exercising their legal right to protest.

Perhaps this is an issue the new chief constable might care to address when he or she is eventually appointed?

-Peter Allen, Chute Avenue, High Salvington