When Mandy Brame started her event-decorating business she had four giant butterflies.

100 metres of fabric, bags of enthusiasm and the Hammersmith Palais in London to give a makeover to.

In spite of limited resources, it was a resounding success and she was soon in demand for special events across the capital.

Eight years on, she has a team of five working with her to turn clubs, pubs and private homes into anything from a paradise island to a big top.

She has a warehouse packed to the rafters with some of the strangest props and decorations.

The enterprise started in London when Mandy and a friend from Middlesex Polytechnic set up their company, Smarties (short for Susie and Mandy arties).

They were awarded a grant and a loan by The Prince's Youth Business Trust after convincing the charity they had what it took to succeed in business.

The company grew thanks to a reputation for quality and innovation and the pair were soon decorating events well beyond their local area.

But, despite of the success, Mandy decided to leave the business and move to Brighton.

She said: "It was when my boy, Gray, was due to start school, I thought he would stand a better chance out of London.

"I'd only been to Brighton twice before but I thought it was a fantastic place with plenty of good pubs and clubs in the centre where I could start up a new business.

"So we moved to the seaside and I started Decorum."

Mandy's background is in graphic design but she felt the subject was too restrictive for her talents and her "over the top" personality.

She said: "I really love things some people think are outrageous.

But when it comes to decorating for special events, you have to think big and bold and exciting or you just finish up with a few paperchains and a bit of glitter and not what people want.

"I want people to remember my designs."

The company decorates several of the city's most popular clubs and pubs and last month carried out a project at Hampton Court based on an Around the World in 80 Days theme, with marquees representing different countries.

If the number of items that goes missing at events is any mark of success, Decorum can count itself in the major league.

A 4ft shark has vanished along with countless glitter-covered stars, at least ten of which get taken as souvenirs at every venue.

Decorum can be contacted on 01273 818543.