When it comes to animal abuse, The Argus certainly can be hypocritical, being more than happy to print stories about any animal abuser when he or she has been taken to court - usually by the RSPCA - yet also giving extensive coverage to an animal circus, when such circuses are condemned by the RSPCA.

The so-called "companion cats" sold by the company Nauticalia (The Argus, August 27) are horrendous and offensive.

There is a big question mark over the use of cat furs here, as well as rabbit.

Not so long ago, when a campaign was run about the way cats were killed for food in China, there was a public outcry. What does the public think happens to their pelts?

The animals are factory-farmed in the most horrendous conditions. I will spare you details of the way they are killed to preserve the pelts from damage.

Please do not justify the actions of a company such as Nauticalia for trying to bring fur in through the back door. What is the difference between a fur toy cat and a fur coat?

You are either against animal abuse and exploitation or you are not - there is no middle ground.

If you are against it, stop whinging about the non-violent protest made in support of animal rights and let us hear more about the violence committed against these unfortunate creatures that are going to end up being kicked about someone's front room.

Animal rights protestors do a good job bringing this sort of abuse to the public's attention.

-G Norton, Seaside, Eastbourne