Let's go back almost 40 years. The then Brighton Borough Council, at that time a strongly Conservative-controlled council, gave up running its own car parks and invited NCP to run them instead.

A 25-year agreement was drawn up and the council agreed not to do anything to jeopardise the NCP operation.

Consequently, the Jubilee Street site stood empty at night.

This was after the local government officers drove away from their reserved spaces at Jubilee Street. So theatregoers and others were deprived of cheap open air parking.

Lo and behold, when the Brighton Borough Council went Labour, there were still some years of this original agreement still to run.

The Labour council renewed the agreement and so Jubilee Street continued to be empty at night.

Visitors have been deprived of cheap, handy evening parking all these years.

So both Labour and Conservative councils at the former Brighton Borough have, in my opinion, never served their constituents or, indeed, evening visitors in this area.

-Keith Salvage, Dudley Road, Brighton