The No campaign would have readers believe it is a foregone conclusion Lord Bassam would be the directly elected (Labour) mayor.

To perpetuate this drivel is an insult to the people of our city and an affront to democracy itself.

Firstly, the mayoral referendum has not taken place.

Secondly, no individual has declared candidacy since this would be presumptuous, given that the people have not decided whether they are in favour of a directly-elected mayor or not.

Finally, unlike the No campaign, which prefers "jobs for the boys and girls", the Yes campaign believes anyone in Brighton and Hove should be able to stand for the position of mayor.

To date, the No campaign has completely ignored the key issue of the improvement of public services. It is time to stop the spin and either put up or shut up.

On behalf of the Yes For City Mayor campaign, I challenge the No campaign to a structured public debate in the autumn that allows the people of our city the opportunity to hear both cases and decide their future themselves.

-Craig Turton, Press and PR manager, Yes For City Mayor