I finally gave in to my fishing-mad sons' demands to take them float fishing but I'm beginning to wish I hadn't bothered.

We went to the west arm of Shoreham Harbour with the intention of spending a few relaxing hours fishing.

When we arrived, I was surprised and very disappointed to see the state of the breakwater. There were empty beer cans, sweet and crisp wrappers, old newspapers, empty plastic bags, discarded tackle and even human excrement.

My sons tell me a lot of places no longer welcome anglers and, having seen the state of the Shoreham Harbour, I can well understand why.

Come on, you anglers. We live in a lovely part of the country. Why spoil it? If the majority of anglers can manage to take their rubbish home, why can't everyone? It always seems to be that a few ignorant people have to spoil it for everyone else.

I must say only a couple of weeks ago we went fishing from the east arm of the harbour and found it to be less littered with rubbish.

My husband and sons are all encouraging me to become more involved with their hobby but I feel very reluctant after this experience.

It is awful when you can't even find a clean spot to set down your tackle without fear of covering it in crap.

-Barbara Voller, Franklands Village, Haywards Heath