Last time The Argus cover price went up, unleaded petrol was 66p a litre and a terraced home in Brighton would set you back £85,000.

Now, three years later, fuel costs 78p, a pint of Guinness has risen from £2.10 to £2.60, and even the most modest city studio flat won't leave much change from £100,000.

The Argus has held back in the face of inflation since October 1998 but today puts up the cover price by 2p an issue.

And that extra 12p a week buys you the biggest and most colourful newspaper in Sussex, bursting with daily exclusives about your area.

But what else could you spend the money on?

In the spirit of consumer fairness, we scoured Brighton and Hove for the best 32p can buy.

Scouring the supermarkets we found a first-class stamp costs 27p, leaving 5p change - enough for a small onion.

Grocery shoppers can snap up a 415g tin of Heinz baked beans, half a white tin loaf, a pack of Walker's crisps or a pint of milk.

A 385g tin of Katkins chunks with salmon costs 32p. So does a Kit-Kat, a blue ballpoint pen or a 70-second phone call from a BT Payphone.

It won't get you all the way but 32p will buy just under a third of a trip on Brighton and Hove's £1 flat-rate buses, 67 seconds of a chart CD, a couple of mouthfuls of Brighton rock or about eight minutes' entertainment in the 2p arcade on Palace Pier.

Commuters can park in the city centre for 16 minutes - if they can find a space.

Or rail passengers could travel 4.6 miles on the Brighton to London Bridge route, although they'd have to jump off halfway over the Downs.

Stephen Lowe, group sales and promotions manager for The Argus, said: "This is the first increase since October 1998.

"The Argus is still the best-value daily newspaper on the news-stand, with the national newspapers averaging more than 37p per issue.

"With a daily look at local life, the most in-depth daily news and our great new features, including the new Woman section every Monday, Extra community news supplement each Wednesday and a bumper entertainment guide every Friday, The Argus offers something for everyone six days a week.

"And that's not forgetting some great exclusive reader offers with the Holiday on Ice ticket offer, discounts on garden bulbs for spring, cheap trips to France, free tickets to top sporting events, a new Paypacket competition with more than £3,000 up for grabs and a car to be won, all in the next few weeks.

"The Argus is your essential daily package. What else gives you so much for so little?"

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