Nervous calm has descended on Sussex County Cricket Club this morning. It's that dreaded time of the year, contracts meeting day.

We're having a net session and every 20 minutes or so another poor gibbering wreck of a county cricketer trudges reluctantly off towards the committee room to learn his fate.

Some come bounding back down the steps minutes later to rejoin the net, smile on face; the relief of a stay of execution very evident. Others aren't seen again and gradually the news filters around the ground that the poor so and so will have to find employment elsewhere next year.

There can surely be no crueller day than this. It all happens so quickly. One moment you're a county cricketer playing for Sussex, next minute you may not be. The fact that it happens while there are still a few games to go just makes it worse.

There is no choice, for some reason the contracts have to be signed and sealed by the end of October and so they have to hold the meetings now in order to have time to try and sign new players for the following year and to give those who get released time to find a new club if they want to.

Yet even on a day like this there is amusement to have. The net session has an extra edge to it and Jason Lewry has just finished a bouncer fest - young Matt Prior being his target - no doubt trying to get rid of some nervous energy.

Having said that, Jason is one of the lucky few who have signed contracts earlier in the season so allowing him to relax a little on that front.

It has always tickled me how everyone gets dressed up in blazer and tie for their meeting. I have just finished my net and am in my track suit and it would be so much easier for me to just to stay in it but I'm going to shower and change into my blazer because that is just what you do. Why? Do we think it's going to make the slightest bit of difference to what contract they offer us. "Well Robin we weren't going to offer you another contract today but seeing as you made such an effort dressing up and your shoes are so well polished, we've decided to give you an extra three years."

On a different note it was fantastic to see so many Sussex supporters at the day/night game this week. As I have had another injection in my side, I was not playing and so was able to walk around the ground and soak up the atmosphere.

The office staff have got those games absolutely right now. There is just the right balance of fun, thrills and cricket. The children seemed to be loving the bouncy castle and the flight simulator and everyone else was enjoying the Sussex performance on the field.

The music was not too intrusive and nothing was taking the attention away from the fact that it was a cricket match - something that is often forgotten on these occasions. I know Sussex supporters come from far and wide to watch these games and one group I met had come from Weymouth in Dorset.

They seem to have adopted Sussex as their county. A lot of people had come down from London for the day too and it is great to think that Sussex cricket has followers from outside as well as inside the county.

We have finally got on a roll in the one-day game and can't wait for the final game of the season when, if other results go our way, we may be playing for a place in the First Division next year. Every game is a cup final, as they say.