People living on the border of a public park are refusing to help pay an £11,000 bill to repair a track leading to it.

Adur District Council has resurfaced the track behind homes in Downsway and Cromleigh Way, Southwick.

Households backing on to the land, which is used as a children's play area and for grazing horses, have been asked to pay £350 each towards the bill.

But many have refused, claiming the council should foot the bill because it owns the park which the track leads to.

Brian Jenner, of Downsway, said: "The first we knew that it would be so much was when we received a letter from the council. We are being asked to pay most of the cost of the work and the council is only meeting ten per cent of the bill."

Don Fathers, also of Downsway, said: "A lot of people around here are pensioners and it is a lot of money for them to find in one go."

Many of the homes are former council properties owned by ex-tenants.

A council spokesman said private owners became jointly responsible for the upkeep of the track, which also leads to residents' garages, when they bought their homes from the council.

He said: "One of the stipulations in the deeds was that they were responsible for the upkeep of the track.

"The track leading to the land and the residents' garages on it was potholed and dangerous to use. It badly needed repairing.

"We have split the bill between the council and the 39 properties which back on to the land."

Residents own 24 of the properties, The others remain in the hands of the council, which will pay their share. Only 18 of the private owners are legally obliged to pay.

The spokesman said: "Six homes have no legal obligation but are being invited to contribute as they have use of the land to reach their garages."

Southwick councillor Sally Willson said the council had not been fair because residents had not been fully consulted about the cost of the work before it was done.

The spokesman said the work had been put out to tender and the lowest offer was accepted after being approved by the council.