Leonard Francis (Letters, September 19) hit the nail firmly on the head when he outlined why the US suffered its terrible disaster.

He mentioned many nations that had suffered under the US's "Might is right" policy. It was the US that used chemical weapons on the Vietnamese, murdering thousands of innocents. Not content with this vile act, the US proceeded to napalm-bomb the villages, literally roasting humans alive. I'm sure most readers will remember, with horror, naked children running in terror with their skin peeling off their backs.

Every so often, when a nation disagrees with the US, the US finds a "demon" so as to concentrate the hate machine before its troops strike - Gaddafi, Noriega, Castro, Saddam and now bin Laden - while conveniently missing out the monster now running Israel who had been indited by Belgium as a war criminal, having committed crimes against humanity in Shebra and Shatilla.

However, despite this, occupying Palestinian land and being in breach of more than 20 UN resolutions, Israel stands defiant and is backed by the US. No non-US-backed country would get away with the same. Of course, Tony Blair and other cowards will refuse to take a fair and balanced view for fear of US retaliation. But for how much longer must this giant bully be allowed to get away with what is tantamount to state terrorism? Mr Francis is absolutely right.

-Harold E Parkin, Horam, Heathfield