Campaigners who successfully fought for a No vote in Brighton and Hove's mayoral referendum spent £6,073 on the campaign.

Provisional accounts made public by the Allies for Democracy show the group raised £6,986 - the largest amounts coming from two trade unions.

The Brighton and Hove branch of the GMB Union gave the No campaign £2,500, while the city council's Unison branch donated £500.

Individual donations came to £2,887.

Bus company boss Roger French, who chaired the Yes campaign, said they had spent between £10,000 and £11,000 on their campaign.

The two camps were forbidden by rules governing mayoral referendums from spending more than £11,800.

But there is no requirement for either side to formally file accounts.

Jack Hazelgrove, Allies for Democracy treasurer, said: "I was astonished to find out there was no requirement to publish accounts."

Mr French said his side had no plans at the moment to publish its figures.

Mr Hazelgrove said money left in the kitty would be given to charity.