Brian Oliver's criticism of Brighton and Hove for having no rugby club of national standing is unduly harsh (Letters, February 23).

It is true but the two local clubs - Brighton FC (formation date 1868) and Hove RFC (1933), both of which are in the RU London leagues - provide excellent facilities and coaching for youngsters from four upwards.

These are not available at Premiership clubs. Rugby union officials were very impressed with the Brighton club and facilities when the two England Youth Internationals were staged in recent years.

The Brighton, Hove and District Schools Rugby Association is due to stage some of its finals on the new pitches on Hove Recreation Ground next month.

It is an unfortunate fact that, having been provided with such a high standard of coaching, some of our best youth are persuaded to join London clubs.

Brighton and Hove City Council provides office facilities for the full-time rugby union development officer, Jon Bates.

His role is to increase participation at all youth levels and promote the game of rugby.

-Peter Rumney, Hon Secretary, SRFU Coaching Sub-Committee, Bennet Drive, Hove