The story of Ross MacDonald (The Argus, February 27) was very sad.

At the same time, the necessity to travel to London for dialysis leaves a nasty taste in my mouth and a lump in my throat.

The lad's life may have been saved if the Royal Alexandra Hospital had the facilities.

I find it very hard to stomach that, in this day and age, our so-called city does not have the proper medical care facilities it should have.

I would imagine there are plenty more in the same boat. I can't understand why the Government would not think twice about buying the latest, shiny new weapon of mass destruction yet when it comes to the NHS it is a different matter - sorry, no cash; cut-backs, you see; ask the Lottery; raise the cash yourselves.

That is not good enough. Things must change.

I could not possibly imagine the pain Ross's parents are feeling but how would you, as a parent, feel if this happened to your child?

Think about it, then think of the reason why. Money - no more, no less.

My sincere condolences to Ross's family.

-David Gravett, Colbourne Avenue, Brighton