Councillor Peter Jones's reasons for East Sussex County Council pulling out of Lewes are about as credible as the alleged border incursions that justified the German invasion of Poland in 1939.

Last week, the ruling group on the council said it was thinking of selling Pelham House, so moving from Lewes is clearly already on the agenda.

A survey of the people of Lewes shows 69 per cent support the National Park and if the leader of ESCC thinks this is undemocratic, perhaps he should debate it with the people who live here rather than writing a threatening letter to the Countryside Agency behind our backs.

Maybe Coun Jones's real concern is that the National Park Authority would never permit the county to build monstrosities such as County Hall.

If the county does decide to leave Lewes, we should insist it dismantles and take this eyesore away too.

-John Stockdale, Market Street, Lewes