Cable operator Telewest Communications today reported wider losses for the last year, but said it was in "good fundamental shape".

Losses at the former FTSE 100 company, which has debts of £5.1 billion, widened to £801 million from £706 million the previous year.

That reflected higher interest charges and increases in depreciation and goodwill.

But the bottom-line loss showed a far greater widening to £1.9 billion - against £701 million the previous year - after writing down £1.1 billion on the value of its programming arm Flextech.

The number of households taking Telewest grew by five per cent to 1.77 million in 2001.

Chief executive Adam Singer said: "This is our sixth quarter in a row of growth."

Telewest expects to introduce price rises across its TV, telephony and internet product range in April, following rises by its competitors.